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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Today, Sunday

One day Peter and John
were going up to the temple
at the time of prayer
at three in the afternoon.

Today, at church the pastor preach from the book of acts. In acts 3 it tells of a man crippled from birth. Now Peter and John went to the temple. this man was there begging. he asked for money now in verse 6 he says
Then Peter said,
"Silver or gold I do not have,
but what I have I give you.
In the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth, walk."
Then the beggar walk. he leaped and praised God. the people gave Peter and John the credit. and they said this in verse 16
By faith in the name of Jesus,
this man whom you see
and know was made strong.
It is Jesus' name and the faith
that comes through him
that has given this complete
healing to him, as you can all see.
I personally think that verse is hard to understand. so I'll reword it.
by our faith in Jesus,
this man was made strong
by Jesus' name which came
through him he has been healed
and you can all see that.
then he told the crowd to repent of there sin. they all knew he was crippled. now you most likely know someone who can't walk or at least seen someone. say your friend Bob was begging for money and he's always been crippled and he was healed. you would be amazed. you would want to know how he was healed and who did it. if that happened would you believe it was Jesus' power, or would deny it?

They replied,
"Believe in the Lord Jesus,
and you will be saved
you and your household."
Acts 16:31

When Peter saw this,
he said to them:
"Men of Israel,
why does this surprise you?
Why do you stare at us
as if by our own power
or godliness we
had made this man walk?
Acts 3:12


  1. Wow. cool service. I hope you learned something. that's a great story from acts. I hope you had fun, Ruth.

  2. Wow Ruth! That was a good post, I know I was in the service, but it was a good recap. Thanks for posting!


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